Monday, May 18, 2009

PJ top school's math past year

Hi everyone!!!! Here's a math exam paper from the top school in PJ. I guess some of u would want it as an extra exercise..And i'm sure it will help u to boost up ur confident!!! Hope it's not too late!!! There are answer there too!But try to do it yourself (DIY) first..then refer to that student's answer and compare it k? Don't lie to urself ya!!
P/s: Can you see the correction done by this student? NOw, do u think corrections are useful? IF without correction, no one will ever know the correct answer , be it to himself, or to others!!! Corrections really do good to u and other ppl as they can also learn. xD But sad to say. ur teachers don't ask u to do corrections as they think that u all will learn on ur own..and big enough to learn from mistake...But i can say only a few of you are big enough to do self-learning...Others..haiz!!! Attitude: Who cares?! anyway, all da best ya!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. waaaaa
    82% ar...
    giving us pressure leh..
    whr can like tht eh....
    teacher!!i wont 辜负你的期待!
    i will get mostly 50%!!!

  3. lolx...eiei teacher i gt 82 in midyear exam..quite hapy de although my addmath + mm =100% agn...
